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Telerehabilitation Write For Us


Telerehabilitation write for us – Telerehabilitation refers to using information and communication technologies (ICTs) to deliver rehabilitation services to people remotely, in their homes, or in other settings. These services include therapeutic interventions, remote progress monitoring, education, consultation, training, and a networking facility for people with disabilities. To submit your article, drop us an email at

Benefits of Telerehabilitation

Patients who have undergone spinal surgery faced accessibility issues before the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be essential factors to consider in the post-COVID-19 era. In the past, telerehabilitation’s main advantages were its ability to overcome physical obstacles, transportation problems, and financial constraints. With stay-at-home orders issued across the country, more and more people are discovering the convenience, efficiency, and other benefits of completing tasks remotely. Telerehab offers indirect doctor-patient contact while providing the patient with social interaction, access to their treating therapist, and psychological well-being, which may be disrupted due to physical isolation in current circumstances.

Additionally, by eliminating the need to travel between patient and provider, in-home rehabilitation services can reduce travel costs and caregiver burden. This also provides comfort for patients with reduced mobility. Levi et al. demonstrated this by studying 26 veterans enrolled in the Rural Veterans Telerehabilitation Initiative. The average length of participation for each Veteran was 99.2 days, during which Veterans avoided an average of 2,774.7 miles of travel and saved an average of $1,150.50 in travel costs.

All of these factors make medical care more accessible for spine surgery patients. Since this rehabilitation modality provides continuity of care from the hospital to the patient’s home, patients may be discharged sooner, reducing the cost of medical care. Additionally, increased access to care makes patients less likely to seek emergency medical services inappropriately. Given the benefits of telerehabilitation in the current post-COVID era, clinicians may find more use for this therapy modality.

Disadvantages of Telerehabilitation

Disadvantages of Telerehabilitation
As more doctors discover the benefits of using telerehabilitation in the age of COVID, the drawbacks are also worth noting. In addition to the apparent cost and coverage issues of telerehabilitation, the innate lack of person-to-person contact in telerehabilitation can make it challenging to build a solid provider-patient relationship.

Physiotherapy sessions at the patient’s home are contextually different from those in the clinic. The house lacks the presence of other staff members, patients, and other symbols representing rehabilitation. In addition, the patient may encounter equipment barriers, including a lack of free weights, bands, and medicine balls available in clinics, which may limit the therapeutic exercise available to the patient. Patients also may not have the technology to perform telerehabilitation or the knowledge to use it. Patients should be provided with adequate training, support, and information before starting their treatment.

Also, the lack of person-to-person contact makes it difficult for the provider to palpate and perform special tests that can be crucial for diagnostic purposes. Given the abovementioned barriers, telerehabilitation could be used as a complementary therapy where in-person sessions are used for initial assessment and occasional follow-up appointments. It would be essential to limit the possibility of ignoring the warning signs in patients with more complicated rehabilitation courses.

Search Terms Related to Telerehabilitation Write For Us



Telecommunication networks

Physical therapy

Occupational therapy

Speech-language pathology




Chronic respiratory disease




Rich Internet applications




Electronic health record


Phone lines




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